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JIC Trust kicks-off its first student loan trust initiative

The JIC Trust • CEIBS Student Loan Collective Trust Program was recently implemented. This trust initiative was launched by JIC Trust, working together with the China Europe International Business School and Noah Holdings etc. It represents the industry’s first social collective fund program for student loans. Based on a “property + fund” trust model, money received from - or donated by - CEIBS alumni will be pooled under the trust initiative to provide loans to MBA students. Borrowers will pay the interest on the loans while attending school, and pay off the remainder of their debts in installments following graduation.

As one of the world’s leading business schools, CEIBS has been highly sought after within the business world. However, there are some talented people who are forced to put-off going to CEIBS for financial reasons. This is why the trust fund is necessary. Unlike a one-time social initiative, the trust program will provide ongoing student loans to help financially distressed students. It will also encourage broader participation in the program and ensuring the effectiveness and sustainability of this social project. 

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