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Guotai AMC reported a high light of 54.87% annual increase for the Actively Managed Equity Funds

The performance of Public Fund in 2019 was released. According to China Galaxy Security, the average return of Guotai's Actively Managed Equity Funds was 54.87%, an excess return of nearly 20% Compared with the CSI 300 Index. Guotai AMC was thus rated among the top 1/4 in the mutual fund market.

In terms of Passive Idex, the scale of Guotai's non-monetary ETFs reached 29.692 billion yuan as of December 31, 2019, an increase of 17.538 billion yuan year- on- year, which doubled in size. Among them, the securities ETF, which grew to nearly 14 billion yuan, an annual increase of over 440%, was the only ETF that has exceeded 10 billion yuan in scale. The Semiconductor 50ETF has increased by more than 900% in scale, the fastest in all the newly established ETFs in 2019.

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