China Jianyin Investment Ltd. (hereinafter "JIC", or "the Group") is a comprehensive investment group founded in 2004. Our mission is to promote technological progress and industrial upgrading, to build a strong culturally country, to promote consumption upgrade service, and to improve people's livelihood. We are committed to creating a longterm, stable and sustainable returns on capital investment for our shareholders. As a State-owned Enterprises (SOE), we are also committed to fulfill social responsibilities.
Leveraging its comprehensive investment system and advanced investment model, JIC has profound insights of the driving factors behind China's economic growth and transition, and has been actively expanding its overseas business footprint in the international market. Our priorities are financial services, industrial manufacturing, cultural consumption, and information technology.
By the end of 2016, the Group's total assets amounted to 124.71 billion yuan, with a further 409.843 billion yuan of assets under management (AUM). It has 14 thousand employees over 120 branches in Mainland China, Hong Kong SAR and overseas locations.
In 2016, China Jianyin Investment Ltd.'s total revenue reached 10.875 billion yuan, consolidated net profit was 6.446 billion yuan, this accounted for 6.188 billion yuan in net profit belonging to the parent company. By the end of 2016, the consolidated general assets amounted to 124.710 billion yuan, the consolidated net assets amounted to 72.611 billion yuan, of which 71.084 billion yuan belonged to the owner's equity of the parent company.